Transformers work via electromagnetic induction, also known as Faraday’s Law. It states that any change in magnetic field induces an electromotive force in the conductor placed inside the field. So the change in flux in the primary coil induces a voltage in the secondary coil. Multiple variables for the working of a transformer depend on a variety of factors, one of which is the material of the core used in it. Ferrite core transformers & iron core transformers are two major ones with the former preferred because of its list of advantages and soft ferrites as its core.
What are Ferrite Cores?
Ferrites are non-conductive ferromagnetic compounds which means they get strongly magnetised when placed in an external magnetic field. Ferrite cores are magnetic cores made from soft ferrites. They consist of iron oxides mixed with zinc, nickel and manganese and are great for high-frequency ferrite core transformers because of their low coercivity, high permeability & other features.
What is a High-Frequency Transformer?
The basic principle of working of a high-frequency transformer is as same as any other transformer, they transfer electrical energy from one circuit to the other. The difference is what it says in the name, these do it at higher frequencies. For comparison, voltage transformers operate between 50-60Hz whereas a high-frequency transformer works from 20kHz and can even cross 1MHz.
High-frequency transformers are more efficient when compared to their counterparts because of their smaller size and lower losses due to the lesser amount of copper wire wound on it.
Let’s dig deeper into why ferrite cores are used in high-frequency transformers by looking over a few core benefits they provide.
Vast Frequency Range
Ferrite cores have a wide operating range of frequencies which is a necessity in high-frequency transformers. Its broad range of working is in kilo hertz and megahertz as opposed to a few hertz offered by other cores.
The wide range of ferrite cores helps it fulfill the high-frequency requirement in these transformers.
Low Core Losses
High-frequency transformers suffer from high core losses due to their operating frequencies. Soft ferrites inherently have low core losses even when operating at higher frequencies, solving one of the major problems and improving its working.
Low Eddy Current Losses
The constant change in a magnetic field leads to the development of Eddy Current and the loss in magnetic material due to it is known as Eddy Current Loss. Another disadvantage of this loss is that it increases the temperature of the material.
With its high value of resistivity, ferrite cores help reduce eddy current losses.
Cores made from our soft ferrites are the ideal match to enhance the working capacity of high-frequency transformers. These cores are less expensive and offer simple assembly with perfect isolation from stray magnetic fields with ideal size.
Cosmo Ferrites, soft ferrites manufacturer ensures that all our products adhere to the best quality standard.
Contact us to know which variant of our core would be the best for your use.
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